It does not matter whether the damage happened due to severe weather, natural disasters, or regular lifespan because the roof will eventually require a complete replacement. Of course, you probably understand that replacement is a complex and overwhelming project that only professionals should handle.
The main idea is to find someone who will finish the job thoroughly and efficiently, which will ensure your home remains secure, safe, and appealing. We recommend you to enter here, as this will help you understand the replacement process.
The time required for the process depends on numerous factors, while the size is essential. Another option is determining the roof material. For instance, asphalt options are the fastest, meaning you will get them in a few days depending on the number of professionals working on them.
Metal roofs are more complicated, meaning they require a week depending on the size. However, some roofing materials require additional time such as slate and wood shake.
It does not matter the type you wish to get, because finding a proper roofing contractor is the first thing you should do. By ensuring their reliability, you will get the best options available promptly.
Roof Replacement Steps

1. Find the Contractor
As mentioned above, it is vital to work with a proper contractor, which is the first step towards replacement. The experience and skill of your contractor can affect the roof’s quality. With the right contractor, you will get a durable roof that can handle the weather elements and climate.
We are talking about a company that can explain to you each step along the way, which is a sign of professionalism and good communication skills. They should be insured and licensed to prevent potential issues from happening. Of course, you should check out their online presence to determine reviews from past customers.
Choosing a lousy professional can make a difference between quality and lousiness will affect the lifespan and cause severe issues in the future. The contractor must understand the rules, regulations, and codes regarding replacement as well as the latest advancements in the field. Therefore, you should ensure everything follows the latest standards.
Besides, you do not wish to put your working area or household at risk. Therefore, they should feature liability insurance or worker’s compensation. It means if an injury happens on your property, you are responsible for paying for everything. On the other hand, when choosing a company with liability insurance, you will not be liable in case of an accident.
2. Materials

Before the entire process can start, the main idea is to choose the best materials for the process. Some of them are more appropriate based on the region you reside. Therefore, you should choose materials that would suit the climate in your area and the professionals at San Diego roofing services should be able to tell you which ones would work best.
For instance, if your household features a low pitch, you may not be able to use a few materials. Another example would be wood shake shingles which are not for low-pitch options. The contractors will offer you pieces of advice for choosing the best material based on your available budget and other factors.
The most popular roofing materials are:
- Asphalt – The most popular options for decades are asphalt shingles, which are simple to find and the least expensive options. They come in a wide array of colors and shapes that will complement the architectural style of your home or commercial building.
- Wood Shakes – When it comes to wood shake shingles, they are highly appealing and durable, but you must spare more money to get them. At the same time, they are not perfect in case of potential fires. Therefore, you should avoid them in areas with potential wildfires.
- Metal – You can find the most efficient solutions specifically used for commercial properties, while household owners are taking advantage of their fireproof and durable properties too. For instance, some of them may look exactly like asphalt shingles, meaning you can choose a wide array of designs, colors, and metal options.
- Slate – Suppose you wish to get an appealing and high-end roofing. In that case, you should choose the heavy and most expensive solutions. Although repairs can be challenging and costly, the aesthetic appeal is amazing and will boost the home’s curb appeal and value.
- Composition Slate – If your goal is to get a cheaper solution to a regular slate, this one is the best course of action. We are talking about recyclable materials that look almost the same, but you will get a lighter solution that will stand the test of time.
- Tile – Finally, you can choose either ceramic or clay tiles. They are highly popular in California and Florida, but you can find them in other areas as well. The best thing about it is the fire retardant, however, that makes it heavy. Of course, you can find lighter alternatives, while they will offer you a similar appeal.
3. Removing Old Roof

The next step is removing old shingles before placing the new materials. In some situations, you can place the new one over the existing one. However, that is possible when installing metal roofing over asphalt shingles.
Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H762K1QWjgU&ab_channel=BuildingsCanada to learn more about this particular topic.
The removal is for making space on the new roof, while it is vital to inspect wood decking. Although removing may seem like a simple assignment, it requires significant labor and equipment. It is vital to cover up foliage since some materials will fall to the ground. Besides, you should protect doors and windows by placing plywood.
4. Wood Decking
Remember that decking is the essential base for materials, which means that it should be in perfect condition to ensure weight and overall stability. Therefore, when you decide to replace a roof due to falling debris or severe weather damage, the chances are high that the decking suffered damage too.
The decking can rot or become soft due to considerable humidity condensed over the years. The contractor should perform a thorough inspection of the roof to ensure that the decking is in perfect condition. That way, you will ensure the overall security of a new one.
After getting the surface ready, the next step is laying materials in proper order to ensure overall durability and efficiency. The main idea is to find a contractor who can handle everything per the agreement, which will provide you peace of mind.